CS 272 Software Development

CS 272-01, CS 272-02 • Spring 2023

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Exam 2 Review

The exam will cover topics on the lecture content, homework assignments, and quizzes covered up thus far in class. This includes the following topics:

  • Logging
  • Multithreading
  • Regular Expressions
  • Web and Sockets
  • Jetty and Servlets
  • Databases and SQL

See below for resources and additional details.


In addition to the general exam logistics, you want to consider the following:

  • You should bookmark your favorite regular expression, Log4j2, HTTP, Jetty, and SQL resources. The README files of the lecture code have several recommendations for each topic.

  • Make sure you can access the on-campus database. You will be able to SOURCE the tables from the exam and test out your SQL queries there.

Everything else will be similar to the previous exam.


Topic and Code Lecture Slides Practice Quizzes Homework
  • (None)
  • (None)

Note that homework is often associated with multiple topics and appears multiple times in the table.

See the Schedule for links to the many videos and recordings made for this content.

Example Topics

The following are some example topics that you may want to make sure you understand. This is a non-comprehensive list. Some of these topics may not appear on the exam and some topics not covered here may appear on the exam.

  • You should understand how to use assertions in Java using the assert keyword, and where it is (or is not) appropriate to use.

  • You should understand how to configure and use Log4j2 for logging and debugging. If given a configuration file, you should be able to determine where log messages will go (file or console), which level log messages will be output (all, info, debug, etc.), and in what format.

  • You should understand the pros and cons to multithreading, and when to use multithreading.

  • You should understand the different states of a thread, and how methods such as start(), join(), wait(), and notifyAll() affect a thread’s state.

  • You should understand how to use the synchronized keyword, and how the object used for the lock affects the number of threads that may enter a code block.

  • You should understand how to use a custom read/write lock instead of the synchronized keyword to protect access to shared data.

  • You should understand how to use a thread pool and work queue, and how they work.

  • You should understand how to create and use worker threads (using the Runnable interface or Thread class) versus how to create and use work (or tasks, Runnable objects) to be used with a work queue.

  • You should understand how to use the Pattern and Matcher classes in Java to handle regular expressions, and the difference between the find() versus matches() methods.

  • You should understand how to create character classes, such as [a-z] and [^0-9], in regular expressions.

  • You should understand how to use predefined character classes such as \w, \W, \s, \S, and . in regular expressions.

  • You should understand how to use the ?, *, and + quantifiers in regular expressions.

  • You should understand the difference between a greedy versus reluctant quantifier in regular expressions.

  • You should understand how to create and use capturing groups and non-capturing groups in regular expressions.

  • You should understand how to use the i, m, and s flags.

  • You should understand how to use the ^, $, \A, \z, and \b boundary matchers.

  • You should understand the different ways to use the ? character in a regular expression. For example: (?i) to turn on the i flag, (?:i) to create a non-capturing group that matches the i character, [?!] to create a character class that matches the ? and ! characters, i? to match the i character 0 or 1 times (greedy), and i+? to match the i character 1 or more times (reluctant).

  • You should understand basics about the Internet versus the Web, and the different components of a URL.

  • You should understand how to create and use basic sockets to connect to a server.

  • You should understand how to create basic HTTP requests.

  • You should understand and be able to create basic HTML.

  • You should understand the difference between static and dynamic web pages.

  • You should understand the basic client-server architecture used by Jetty and servlets.

  • You should understand how to create dynamic web pages using Jetty and servlets.

  • You should understand how to create, use, and modify HTTP cookies using Jetty.

  • You should understand the benefits of relational databases.

  • You should understand how to create and use statements in the Data Definition Language (DDL) of SQL. This includes the CREATE, ALTER, and DROP statements.

  • You should understand how to create and use different types of columns in SQL. This includes the INTEGER, TINYINT, SMALLINT, BIGINT, NUMERIC, FLOAT, DOUBLE, CHAR, VARCHAR, ENUM, DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP types.

  • You should understand how to use the PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, UNIQUE, DEFAULT, NOT NULL, and AUTO_INCREMENT keywords when creating columns and tables in SQL.

  • You should understand how to create and use statements in the Data Manipulation Language (DML) of SQL. This includes the SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.

  • You should understand how to use different types of JOIN clauses to combine results from multiple related tables in SQL. This includes INNER JOIN, NATURAL JOIN, LEFT OUTER JOIN, RIGHT OUTER JOIN, NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN, and NATURAL RIGHT OUTER JOIN.

  • You should understand how to sort results using the ORDER BY clause in a SELECT statement.

  • You should understand how to filter results using the WHERE clause in a SELECT statement.

  • You should understand how to combine columns using the CONCAT() function and give columns aliases using the AS clause in a SELECT statement.

  • You should understand how to combine rows using the GROUP BY clause (and aggregate functions) in SELECT statement.

  • You should understand how to use aggregate functions like GROUP_CONCAT(), COUNT(), AVG(), and SUM() in a SELECT statement.