Instead of a final exam, you will have a final code review during finals week. You will receive your final grade for this class during this appointment, unless you request an extension. This guide details how these last code reviews and extension requests will be handled.
Project Code Reviews
The last normal project code reviews will be conducted during the last week of class. This will be the last opportunity for students to pass the code review process for projects 1, 2, or 3 before the final code review appointment.
The code review cutoff is Friday, May 12, 2023. This is the last day normal code reviews will be conducted. You are guaranteed one code review before this deadline if you successfully make a code review request by Tuesday, May 9, 2023. After the code review cutoff, you will have exactly one more final code review opportunity during finals week.
Frequently Asked Questions
See below for clarification on some frequently asked questions.
Can I request more than one code review during the last week of class?
No, not without prior approval from the instructor. To receive approval, you must make a request in a public post on Piazza.
What happens if I requested a code review BEFORE Tuesday, May 9, 2023, but there are no openings?
Please make a public anonymous post on Piazza asking for more availability. Keep in mind the only options may be late in the evening or early in the morning.
What happens if I requested a code review AFTER Tuesday, May 9, 2023, but there are no openings?
Your code will be reviewed during your final code review appointment instead.
Can I request a code review after the code review cutoff on Friday, May 12, 2023?
You can open a code review request on GitHub to prepare the pull request needed for your final code review appointment. However, you cannot get another code review except for your final code review.
What if I already have a design grade for project 3?
Nice work! You do not need any more normal code reviews. You will have project 5 reviewed during your final code review appointment.
Can I get project 5 reviewed early?
No, you cannot. Project 5 will only be reviewed during your final code review appointment.
Final Code Reviews
The final code review is your last code review opportunity of the semester. Final code reviews are conducted during finals week from Monday May 15th to Thursday May 18th between 12:00pm and 5:00pm Pacific Time. Each final code review appointment is 30 minutes each.
All students should sign up for a final code review appointment. These appointments do not need to be pre-approved; students should sign up right away regardless of their project progress. Students must sign up for an appointment using the Canvas scheduler. Look for “Final Code Review” on the calendar. Appointments will be released gradually in batches.
If you are eligible for a code review, your appointment will start with that code review. If the code review is for a design grade, you will earn partial or full credit for that design grade.
The last part of each appointment will be spent reviewing your personal code statistics from the semester, which you might want to include on your resume. We will also calculate your final letter grade as of that moment, and discuss whether you should consider submitting late non-review assignments or requesting an extension to pass the class.
Frequently Asked Questions
See below for clarification on some frequently asked questions.
Should I sign up for a final code review appointment?
If you are currently enrolled in the course, you should sign up for an appointment. If you are not enrolled or have withdrawn from the course, you cannot sign up for an appointment.
How do I sign up for a final code review appointment?
Sign up for an appointment using the Canvas scheduler. Look for “Final Code Review” on the calendar. Appointments will be released gradually in batches.
Do I have to be pre-approved for a code review and have an open pull request on GitHub before signing up for an appointment?
No, you should sign up for an appointment as soon as possible. You do not need to be pre-approved for the final code review appointment.
Should I create a code review request before my final code review appointment begins?
Yes, for projects 1, 2, and 3, please follow the same process to request a code review before your appointment. This will setup the pull request necessary for your final code review. If you forget, the instructor will let you make the code review request during the appointment. However, if it fails, we will not conduct the code review.
For project 4 and 5, you do not need to complete this step beforehand. However, please still create a warning-free release that passes the tests before your appointment. If you forget, the instructor will let you create a release during your appointment. However, if it fails to pass the tests, we will not conduct the code review.
I am not eligible for a code review. Should I cancel my final code review appointment?
No, I recommend you still attend your appointment. We still have your statistics and final grade to discuss, and whether you should consider submitting late non-review assignments or requesting an extension to pass the class.
Do I really have to attend a final code review appointment?
No, the final code review is optional. If you are happy with your grade, you do not need to sign up for an appointment.
How do I cancel my final code review appointment?
You can cancel the appointment using the Canvas scheduler with the “Un-reserve” option.
What happens if I do not attend a final code review appointment?
Your grade for incomplete project review and design assignments will remain 0%. You will still be able to submit non-review assignments for which you are eligible up until the Friday, May 19, 2023. However, you will NOT qualify for an extension.
What happens if I miss my final code review appointment?
The consequences of missing a final code review appointment are the same as not attending a final code review appointment. Treat your appointment date and time like a final exam. Make sure to check the time zone being used by your Canvas calendar. The instructor will NOT open up makeup appointment opportunities.
Non-Review Assignments
Unless you have an approved extension, Friday, May 19, 2023 at 11:59pm is the deadline for late non-review assignments. Specifically, this is the deadline to:
- Submit late participation assignments or quizzes in Canvas
- Successfully open a late homework grade request on GitHub
- Successfully open a late project grade request on GitHub
This is a firm deadline. Unless you have an approved extension, any requests made after this deadline will be denied.
Frequently Asked Questions
See below for clarification on some frequently asked questions.
Does my late homework or project grade request on GitHub need to be closed by this deadline?
No, it does not. However, your request does have to be successful. If your request is closed by the bot due to an error, it must be fixed and re-opened by this deadline.
What if I committed and pushed a late homework by this deadline, but did not open a late grade request by this deadline?
Your late homework grade request will be denied and your homework grade will remain unchanged. This is the deadline to successfully open a late grade request, not the deadline to commit and push code for late work.
What types of late assignments can I submit by this deadline?
You can submit late participation assignments or quizzes on Canvas by this deadline. You can also open late homework or project grade requests on GitHub by this deadline. This deadline does not cover exams, exam retakes, or code review requests.
Can I request a project design grade by this deadline?
Yes, but the requirements remain the same: you need a conditional pass in your last code review for that project, and must still make the necessary changes and a final release. For example, if you passed project 3 in your final code review appointment, you have until Friday, May 19, 2023 to make the last set of changes and successfully request the design grade.
Do I still need to meet the eligibility requirements for project assignments?
Yes. The eligibility requirements for project assignments are unchanged.
Does late penalties still apply for these submissions?
Yes, late penalties based on the individual assignment deadlines still apply.
Can I earn partial grades on late submissions by this deadline?
No, you cannot. The only opportunity you have to earn partial grades is during your final code review appointment, with or without an extension.
Can I get a B letter grade if I do not pass project 3, but pass project 4?
No, you cannot. You must pass project 3 to be eligible for a C- or higher letter grade. If you are not passing project 3, you will earn between an F to D+ letter grade.
Can I get an extension to this deadline?
Yes, you can get an extension to Wednesday, May 24, 2023 instead if you meet the prerequisites and follow the steps in the Extensions section below.
When is the deadline to request an extension to this deadline?
The deadline to request an extension is Friday, May 19, 2023. See the Extensions section below for details.
Can I get an extension to request an extension?
No, you cannot.
If you attend a final code review appointment but do not earn a passing grade for this class in that appointment, you may request an extension to submit late non-review assignments in an attempt to pass the class. However, your final letter grade will be capped at a C letter grade.
This extends the deadline to submit late non-review assignments from Friday, May 19, 2023 to Wednesday, May 24, 2023 instead. It does not change the original deadlines of those assignments; late penalties still apply.
To request this extension, you must make a private post on Piazza by Friday, May 19, 2023 with the following:
A brief 1 paragraph justification for the extension, which can range from struggles with physical or mental health, disruptions to living circumstances, and even poor planning. I only ask that you are honest about why you ended up behind and need an extension.
The non-review assignments you plan to submit late. Make sure you are eligible to complete these assignments!
I will only approve your request if it is on-time and demonstrates it is possible to pass the class by submitting a reasonable number of non-review assignments for which you are eligible.
Frequently Asked Questions
See below for clarification on some frequently asked questions.
Who can request an extension?
Only students that do not earn a passing 74% or higher letter grade during their final code review appointment may request an extension.
Who should request an extension?
Students should request an extension if they have a C- in their final code review and need extra time to bring up their homework and other averages to qualify for a C letter grade. Students that passed project 3 code review in their final code review appointment should also request an extension to submit their design grade if needed.
Can I request an extension if I did not attend a final code review appointment?
No, not unless you have a compelling reason for not attending a final code review appointment.
What final letter grade can I earn with an extension?
Your final letter grade will be capped at a C letter grade. If after the extended deadline you have a D+ final letter grade reported in Canvas, I will enter a D+ final letter grade onto your transcript for this class. If you instead complete enough late work and extra credit to raise your final letter grade to a C+ in Canvas, I will still only enter a C letter grade onto your transcript for this class.
What type of late work can I submit with an extension?
You can submit the same type of assignments as listed in the non-review assignments category.
Can I get another code review after my final code review appointment?
No, you cannot. Code review appointments are not available after the end of finals week. You may only have one code review during finals week, without exception.
Does this extend the original assignment deadlines?
No, it does not. Late penalties still apply.
Is it possible for my extension request to be denied?
Yes. I will deny requests that do not meet the requirements. See the Extension Requests section for details.
What happens if my extension request is denied?
Your final grade as reported in Canvas will be the final letter grade entered onto your transcript for this class. If you still do not have a passing grade for this class, you will need to repeat this class in a future semester.
Can I earn partial grades on late submissions by this extended deadline?
No, you cannot. The only opportunity you have to earn partial grades is during your final code review appointment, with or without an extension.
How much extra time to I get with an extension?
If your extension request is approved, the deadline to submit late non-review assignments or extra credit will be moved from Friday, May 19, 2023 to Wednesday, May 24, 2023 instead.
Can I get an extension later than Wednesday, May 24, 2023?
No, you cannot. After Wednesday, May 24, 2023, I will enter your final grade onto your transcript. If you still do not have a passing grade for this class, you will need to repeat this class in a future semester.