Welcome to CS 272 Software Development for Spring 2023. This course gives students experience with advanced programming topics, including inheritance and polymorphism, multithreaded programming, networking, database programming, and web development. Students will also learn techniques for designing, debugging, refactoring, and reviewing code.
This course will use the hybrid modality for the Spring 2023 semester. Tuesday lectures will be in-person, but Thursday lectures will utilize a mix of synchronous and asynchronous remote modalities. See the course syllabus for details.
Course Syllabus Suggestion Box
Upcoming Schedule
Here is the upcoming course schedule, which includes links to lecture material, assigned quizzes and homework, and more:
- Software Bugs 31:47
- Software Testing 15:51
- Unit Testing 12:54
- 05/12: Course Evaluation
- Due: Week 16 Attendance
- Due: Post on Piazza
- Due: Reply on Piazza
- Due: CS Event 2
- Due: Course Evaluation
- Due: Exam 2 Retake
- Due: Review Cutoff
- Due: Project v4.1 Tests 1.7
- Due: Project v5.0 Tests
- Due: Project v5.0 Design
- Due: Late Grades
- Due: Extension Requests
This website serves as the main portal for all content related to this course. This includes the following:
- Schedule: a detailed weekly schedule with links to lecture materials and assignment deadlines
- Resources: helpful resources, setup guides, and project writeups
- Canvas: grades, assignments, and deadlines
- GitHub: lecture code, homework templates, and project tests
- Piazza: course announcements, upcoming events, homework help, and general discussion
- Live Polls: live anonymous polls
- Syllabus: official course and university policies
- Suggestion Box: anonymous course suggestions
- Recordings: lecture recordings for CS 272-01 and CS 272-02
- Office Hours (TAs): Zoom meeting for remote teacher assistant office hours
- 1:1 Meetings (Sophie): Zoom meeting for remote meetings with Sophie
When in doubt, post on course forums for help finding content.